Hello, everyone. My name is Marian, and I'm eager to join this community. I'm passionate about academic research, and I've recently started looking into several research proposal writing service choices to boost my talents. We look forward to meeting with everyone and sharing our knowledge!
I'm very eager to join this community. My name is Alex, and I am now earning a master's degree in business administration. I'm here to learn, share my experiences, and even offer some business dissertation help if anyone needs it. I look forward to engaging with you all!
Hello, everyone. My name is Marian, and I'm eager to join this community. I'm passionate about academic research, and I've recently started looking into several research proposal writing service choices to boost my talents. We look forward to meeting with everyone and sharing our knowledge!
I'm very eager to join this community. My name is Alex, and I am now earning a master's degree in business administration. I'm here to learn, share my experiences, and even offer some business dissertation help if anyone needs it. I look forward to engaging with you all!
事務局長の小林正博と申します。常勤ではなく、フルタイムの本業の他に複数のボランティア団体で活動しているので、会員の皆様には行き届かぬことも多く申し訳なく存じます。(言い訳ですね) 日本賢人会議所は枠にとらわれない柔軟な団体だと思っておりますので、この国の明日のために、次世代のために、提案し、参加し、活動いただければ様々な可能性が広がると思います。
写真右が浅草サンバカーニバルの小林です。コロナ禍で車通勤が続き、さらに体重が増加したようです。(汗) よろしくお願いいたします。